Translation - Translations – Our commitment to Quality

Over the last 20 years, Active Languages has always been committed to provide professional translation services. Our clients know they can trust us with their projects, whatever their activity and requirements, and this is why they choose Active Languages again and again!

Active Languages Translation Services
Active Languages Translation Services
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Active Languages Translation Services

All our translators are professional, qualified, experienced linguists who only translate into their mother tongue.

Carefully selected and established team of translators, each specialising in his/her own field of expertise and with whom we regularly work with.

Only the most qualified translators will be selected to work on the translation of your project(s).

Availability & Consistency: Once we have assigned translators to work on your projects, whenever possible they will be re-assigned on future projects ensuring consistency throughout the assignments.

Project management: One single project manager will be assigned to your projects and liaise between the translators and proofreaders and contacting you in case the translators have some queries. This way, the project manager and the translators assigned understand perfectly your needs and requirements.

Localisation: Our translators and proofreaders adapt your assignment (website, marketing campaign, etc.) to meet the linguistic and cultural needs of the target market. This is vital to make sure your document addresses the market you want and that the document does not “sound” translated.

Deadlines: We will agree upon a cost and turnaround time and ensure the final product is of the highest standard before it is returned to you within the agreed

Are you looking for a professional translation provider to make your project a success? You’ve come to the right place! Reach out to Active Languages for your projects, no matter the size.

Are you looking for a study abroad programme?
You’ve come to the right place! Active Languages can help you find the right language school and course for your needs.

Active Languages Translation Services

Study abroad Language courses and football for juniors

We can help you find the right experience for your kids, whether you’re looking for a French exam revision course for the school holidays, a summer campus with other kids, a family holiday to soak up the language and culture or a unique summer campus in the UK where you can study English and practise your football skills with the Paris Saint-Germain Academy UK.

Active Languages Translation Services

Study abroad Language courses for adults in France

Maybe you need to improve your French for that job interview in Nice. Or perhaps you want to spend some of your trip to Paris studying French, exploring the city and living like a local. No matter why you want to study abroad, Active Languages can help you find your happy place.

Latest blog posts

Check out our latest blogs, translation news, insights and fun articles to enjoy with a cup of coffee!

Christmas Gift Guide: Language Courses

We’ve put together a special Christmas gift guide based on personality types to help you find the perfect French course for your loved one. Happy Christmas!

Top 3 Win-Back Strategies with Translation

Here’s where Active Languages comes in: our translation services can help you engage your customers and win back your audience. Read on for our top 3 win-back strategies to implement with translation and localisation from Active Languages.

Halloween: A Trick or Treat for your Translations?

So there you have it! The best thing you can do if you’ve got any content that you’d like to translate for your international audience is to contact Active Languages.