Specialised Translators: Who, What and Why?

You’re in the right place to find out what exactly being a specialised translator involves and how assigning your translation to a specialised translator will benefit you and your business.

Translation History with Four Translators

Translation is an industry that has existed since mankind could communicate. Let’s take you on a trip back in time and introduce you to some of history’s best-known translators… some of them may surprise you!

Localisation: What is it and why does your business need it?

Translation is more than just transferring a message from one language to another. It’s about adapting your content or product to suit a specific market or region. And that’s where localisation comes into play.

Lost in Translation: Branding

Whether it’s translation or localisation, you can avoid upsetting or insulting your audience, making your business a laughing stock or putting people off your product by working with a translation company and human translators.

History’s Biggest Translation Mistakes – Part 2

There are too many translation mistakes out there to put into just one article, so here’s the next leg of your trip back in time to explore the effects of being lost in translation.

The Art of Literary Translation

Can you imagine life without a good book? Neither can we. And we can’t imagine life without a good translator either.

4 things to consider when you’re looking for a translation agency

There are 4 things to consider when you’re looking for a translation agency. Here’s our guide to finding your go-to translation agency.

Professional website translation services

Let’s take a look at why using professional website translation services to translate your website is a good idea for your business.

History’s Biggest Translation Mistakes

Avoid any translation mistakes and get your work done with Active Languages to be on the safe side.