Select the translation agency which is right for you!

Select the translation agency which is right for you!

First and foremost, everyone at Active Languages would like to wish you a very Happy New Year and all the very best for 2025!

A new year is all about turning over a new leaf, making a fresh start and replacing any bad habits with self-improvement. Studies show that 3 in 4 Brits have made New Year’s Resolutions for 2025… are you one of them? Maybe you’re going plant-based for Veganuary, joining a gym to get fit, learning a new language or planning to expand your business. We can’t help with diet and exercise, but Active Languages translation agency can help you or your business grow this year with language.

New Year, New You!  Select the translation agency which is right for you!

Go global

Are you a business owner or manager? Would you like your company to go global in 2025?
Translating your website or social media content is one of the best ways to reach an international audience and expand your network. Speak to your consumers in their language and they will answer! You’ll sell more products and get more likes on social media, thereby increasing your target market and profits. The great thing is that it doesn’t cost nearly as much as you may think to get your text translated by a professional human translator and we can deliver fast. If you’re a manufacturer, have you considered getting your manuals or appliances translated to build new markets overseas? If you’re a restaurant in cities popular with tourists, how about getting your menus translated into a couple of languages to get an extra couple of stars on your reviews? Most menus come in at under 300 words, costing our minimum rate of just £30 + VAT per language for French, Spanish, Italian etc. Select the translation agency which is right for you, build your business and attract an international audience with the help of translation this 2025.
Email Active Languages with the text you want to translate in Word, Excel or PDF format to for your free no-obligation quote and leadtime.

Wellness in the workplace

Every company wants to stand out from the crowd when it comes to recruitment. Whether it be perks like health insurance, a company car or extra holiday allowance, a business needs something special to attract new talent and secure loyalty among existing employees. Have you considered offering language courses to your staff? Why not? Learning a new language is an asset for both the individual and your company.
Sending your staff to another country to learn a language shows that you trust them, can see their potential and envisage bigger and better things for their career. What do you get out of it? Improved loyalty and wellbeing in the workplace plus employees who can communicate with your overseas clients in their language, meaning better business.
Active Languages works with trusted language school partners to provide courses tailored to meet the needs of companies in the UK. For example, you could send a small delegation from your company to ACCORD Paris for an intensive Business French course focusing on whichever skills you need them to learn: presenting, negotiating, pitching and so much more in French. It’s the perfect blend of professional development and personal development that will give your company the X factor on LinkedIn.
Email us at with your language requirements, group numbers and dates for your free no-obligation quote.


The New Year is a golden opportunity for self-improvement and opening a new chapter in your life. Have you been planning a new life in the sun but you’re struggling with all the red tape?
Contact Active Languages for help translating any administrative or legal documents that come your way as you make your dream move.

How to choose a French course for you

If you’ve got some big exams coming up in 2025 and you’d like to give yourself the best shot at a good grade, an A-Level French course over half term is a great way to improve your confidence, fluency and general language skills as well as broadening your horizons. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn a language but haven’t had the time to do it. If that sounds like you, this year is your time! You’ll make noticeable improvements in as little as one week when you study abroad because you’re surrounded by natives speaking their language. There’s no escape – if you want to thrive then you have to leave your English at home and communicate in whichever language is spoken at your chosen destination. Contact Active Languages and tell us which language you’d like to learn, your goals and how much time you have available so we can find the perfect course for you! Email us at for your free no-obligation quote.


Latest blog posts

Check out our latest blogs, translation news, insights and fun articles to enjoy with a cup of coffee!

The Power of Translation This Valentine’s Day

Reach your international audiences with translations adapted to the targeted market. Trust Active Languages with your localised translations whatever your requirements. Discover The Power of Translation This Valentine’s Day!

A Day in the Life of a Student at ACCORD Paris

If you’d like to follow in Jenny’s footsteps and study abroad, just get in touch with us about which language you’d like to study and what you want to get out of your stay.

Christmas Gift Guide: Language Courses

We’ve put together a special Christmas gift guide based on personality types to help you find the perfect French course for your loved one. Happy Christmas!

Are you looking for a study abroad programme?
You’ve come to the right place! Active Languages can help you find the right language school and course for your needs.

Active Languages Translation Services

Study abroad Language courses and football for juniors

We can help you find the right experience for your kids, whether you’re looking for a French exam revision course for the school holidays, a summer campus with other kids, a family holiday to soak up the language and culture or a unique summer campus in the UK where you can study English and practise your football skills with the Paris Saint-Germain Academy UK.

Active Languages Translation Services

Study abroad Language courses for adults in France

Maybe you need to improve your French for that job interview in Nice. Or perhaps you want to spend some of your trip to Paris studying French, exploring the city and living like a local. No matter why you want to study abroad, Active Languages can help you find your happy place.