4 Things to Consider when you’re Looking for a Translation Agency
There are 4 things to consider when you’re looking for a translation agency. Here’s our guide to finding your go-to translation agency.
You’re never too old to learn a language
Have you always wanted to learn a language but been held back by time or family duties? Read on to find out why learning a language means more than being able to speak the local lingo when you’re in your senior years.
Bildungsurlaub French Course in France
Studying in a Bildungsurlaub accredited French course in France as part of your educational leave is a great opportunity for your career.
Football Camp for the School Holidays
Keep the kids happy in the school holidays with the PSG football camp. The perfect Football Camp for the school holidays to keep your kids entertained.
How to choose a French course for you
Which French language course is right for you? How to choose a French course for you? Take our quiz to find out where to book your next study abroad programme in France.
English and Football in England for Juniors
The best All-Inclusive Residential International Summer Campus ever: English and Football in England with the Paris Saint-Germain Academy UK!
Why Learn a Language Abroad?
Broaden your mind, make new friends, experience a new culture, grow as a person and learn a language abroad. Contact Active Languages today!
Professional website translation services
Let’s take a look at why using professional website translation services to translate your website is a good idea for your business.
History’s Biggest Translation Mistakes
Avoid any translation mistakes and get your work done with Active Languages to be on the safe side.